Antonio Grigorov

Antonio Grigorov

Antonio is a seasoned professional with over 10 years of experience in developing effective and innovative strategies in the field of human resources. As of February 1, 2022, Antonio Grigorov has taken on the role of HR Manager at the Bulgarian office of the global software company Plus500. Plus500 develops and successfully manages a leading online trading platform. The company was founded in 2008 and is currently valued at over $1 billion. Its headquarters are in Haifa, with additional offices in Tel Aviv, London, Sydney, Limassol, and Sofia. The Bulgarian team consists of approximately 150 employees. Antonio holds a degree in Human Resource Management from the University of Strathclyde (Glasgow, UK). After graduating, he became part of a large French company with an office in Glasgow. Despite the opportunities available to him abroad, he made the decisive choice to return to Bulgaria. Antonio has gained extensive experience in the banking sector and the outsourcing industry. In his role at Plus500, Antonio is primarily responsible for developing and implementing innovations in human resource management, ensuring the mental well-being of employees, and establishing policies and processes applicable both locally and globally.

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